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Writer's pictureCEI Alumni Team

We're baaaaaaaaaaaack!

Updated: Jul 20, 2020

Hello Caretakers and welcome to the new alumni website!

I'm sure you've been wondering where we've been as our previous website disappeared and our social media channels have been noticeably quieter since 2015...

Well we're back now with a new website, a new alumni structure, a plan for the future and most importantly, new energy and ideas!

A large part of the reason we are back is Stien, the 2020 conference host and Board member from Indonesia. In April 2020, the CEI bird signal was sent out and like superheroes we responded in a flash. Stien told us of her plans to host a virtual conference for 2020 as the physical conference unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As part of this, she wanted to revive the alumni network and ensure that we could help create a sustainable future plan for CEI.

To do this, many meetings were had and documents collaborated on, until eventually we came up with our very own Justice League: the Senior Alumni Committee. Like the Justice League, the Senior Alumni Committee are committed year round and will coordinate the team of CEI superheroes. This CEI Superhero/Alumni team is mainly made up of experienced superheroes called out of retirement to help with some cases, the Senior Alumni Network, and the superheroes-in-training who we help mentor and develop, the Robin to our Batman, the Junior Alumni. Of course we cannot forget our alumni coordinator, Anne Marie Begg, our Alfred, who essential ensures Batman and the rest of the Justice League are also developing their superhero skills and acting as they should.

We look forward to working with you, seeing you all again at conferences and most importantly, using our superhero skills to ensure a sustainable future for CEI.

Talk soon,

Your Senior Alumni Committee (AKA The CEI Justice League):

Laura (Ireland), Jana (Ireland/The Netherlands), Julien (The Netherlands), Nadia (USA) and Sam (Sweden/Australia).

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